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2015-03-24   来源:中国道路运输协会  打印 字号:T|T
  2015年3月17日下午,中国道路运输协会王丽梅副会长兼秘书长在交通运输部会见了以美国环保署Jim Blubaugh司长为团长的美方代表团。双方对中美气候变化工作组合作项目——中国绿色货运行动的深化合作事宜,进行了会谈。本次美方代表团来华参加中美两国政府联合主办的“中美气候变化工作会议”,中国绿色货运行动作为中美两国政府选定的合作项目,成为双方深入合作的重点领域。中国交通运输部运输司战榆林处长和中国道路运输协会国际合作部张光合主任参加了会谈;吉姆司长一行七人,来自美国环境保护署(EPA)和美国运输部(DOT)负责行业监管和节能减排工作的高级官员。
  The CRTA Interviewed the Delegation from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  On March 17, 2015, Madam Wang Limei, the vice president and secretary general of China Road Transport Association (CRTA) met the delegation from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at China’s Ministry of Transport. Both sides held talks about the climate change project of Sino-US Working Group.to deepen cooperation. China Green Freight Initiative (CGFI), as the selected cooperative project between two governments, has become the key area of both sides’ further cooperation.
  Madam Wang Limei pointed out that in recent years, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency took an active part in CGFI, which provided the support and reference for expanding international cooperation. During the meeting, Madam Wang Limei also briefed the working progress of CGFI in 2014 and analyzed the current challenges which should be overcome, and she also introduced the plan of next phase.
  Currently, CGFI has laid a good foundation and has exerted effect and influence. In the next phase, CGFI is going to develop overall on the basis of The Green Freight Enterprise Standard and The Green Freight Vehicle Standard which were approved by the steering committee. At the same time, it would strengthen the research of green effect measurement and data collection method, carry out the research of profit-oriented mode which can bring upstream and downstream enterprises together, and also strive for the support of the government departments.
  Jim Blubaugh, the director of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency appreciated achievement of CGFI on energy conservation and emission reduction. He expressed the positive attitude to participate in the further action of CGFI. During the meeting, both sides exchanged views on cooperation between shippers and transport enterprise, technology issues on green tire and lightweight vehicle, publicity and energy-saving driving training, etc.
  This meeting was chaired by Zhan Yulin, the director of Freight and logistics management division of the department of transport of MOT. He said that, strengthening Sino-US dialogue as well as deepening cooperation in every field is a common vision of both sides. He hoped that both sides can work together to achieve the cooperative projects determined by China and United States governments.

